The Lead Disclosure and Tenant Acknowledgement is a Three Step Process.1. Please review the Lead Disclosure Form for DC Rental Properties by clicking here. 2. Please review the Lead in Your Home pamphlet here. 3. Complete Section E Tenant’s Acknowledgement below: Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.I was provided this form [the Lead Disclosure Form for D.C. Rental Properties through the above links] and, if the property was built before 1978, the Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home pamphlet before I signed a lease agreement. YesNo, I have already signed a lease agreement.I understand I have the right to ask the owner for any reports or documents about lead-based paint or lead-based paint hazards at this property (including on bare soil and sheds, garages, or other appurtenances) and the results of any lead tests conducted on the water supply for this property.Name(s) -- All Tenants Must Provide Acknowledgement *DateSubmit